Tuesday, September 28, 2004

France tries to meddle in Iraq-USA Bilateral Arrangement

From the BBCNews:
( http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3694142.stm)

"Mr Barnier said US withdrawal was a central issue, one "which should be on the agenda of such a conference, if we want it to take place'. [...] The French minister proposed that all political groups in Iraq, "including a certain number of groups or people who now have chosen the path of resistance by arms", should be included in the talks."

1 - It strikes me as very bad form for the French to assert that they or the UN have any right to interfere with the bilateral military arrangement between the Iraqi Government and the USA.

2 - It strikes me as beyond absurdity that the French would suggest that the Jihadoterrorists we - and the Iraqi Government - are currently fighting should be involved in any international conference.

STRIKE THAT: it makes perfect sense that such an awful, stupid, cowardly appeasing suggestion should come from the French.

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