Friday, January 29, 2016


A new poll's shown that a quarter of Israelis are rightly worried it could happen:
Over half -- 59% -- of Israelis are afraid to travel outside the country, with 25% saying they are usually afraid to do so, and 34% saying they have become more afraid this past year, a poll commissioned by the World Zionist Organization shows. [...]

Another worrying number also emerged from the poll: 25% of Israelis believe there is reason to fear that another Holocaust will be perpetrated against the Jewish people, and 24% believe there is a chance that the State of Israel will cease to exist.
Unfortunately, it's a very legitimate fear, and Europe's governments are already proving it with their failure to admit Islamofascism is a danger to civilized society. But if, God forbid, such a thing should happen, I'd like to know if any Israelis will be willing to join the army to do battle against the Islamic tyrants worldwide? Those who don't cannot expect to win the battle.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


The Washington Free Beacon (via Accuracy in Media) reports that anti-semitism on college campuses in America rose considerably and frighteningly last year, and included death threats and nazi-style demonstrations.

Depending on what communities are in focus, what's particularly shocking is how many people out there got such terrible upbringings that they'd be willing to commit felonies and resort to vulgarities.

Monday, January 25, 2016


Two young Muslims infiltrated the parameter at Beit Horon where they stabbed two women, and one of the victims was critically injured:
Two Palestinian assailants stabbed and wounded two Israelis in a suspected terror attack in the settlement of Beit Horon on Monday night, before they were shot and killed by a security guard.

Judea and Samaria district police said that officers who arrived at the scene found two explosive devises, and called in police sappers to neutralize them.

Police said their initial investigation determined that the attackers entered a general store in the settlement and stabbed a woman multiple times, leaving her badly wounded. Another person outside the store was stabbed and lightly hurt by the attackers before they were shot by the security guard.
On the TV news, it was said the explosives were pipe-bombs. The two assailants should now burn in hell for their violence.