Sunday, January 19, 2014


Australia is just discovering that they have a serious case of women converting to the Religion of Peace:
MORE than100 people - most of them women - are converting to Islam in Sydney each year, and ­experts warn some new converts are more likely to adopt extremist elements of the religion.

Such radicalism was highlighted by the death last week in Syria of former Queensland Anglican schoolgirl turned Muslim jihadist Amira Karroum, 22, who is believed to have been killed by rebel fighters in Aleppo alongside her US-born husband Yusuf Ali.

Ms Karroum had adopted an extremist form of the faith, praising terrorist Osama bin Laden and supporting the ­violent Muslim riots in Sydney in 2012.

[...] The Australian New Muslim Association estimates two-thirds of the converts they see each year are female, with more than 60 per cent converting because of their husbands or partners.
If this is accurate, it tells that quite a few women out there lack self esteem very badly. It makes me begin to wonder if Jewish missionaries are doing a disfavor by failing to offer alternatives of their own. In other words, if the Christian advocates don't succeed, shouldn't the Jewish advocates at least try where they failed?

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