Monday, January 23, 2012

Modern mufti in Jerusalem preaches the hate of the Hadith

The prime minister has demanded an investigation into a local mufti who preached anti-Jewish hatemongering (via Big Peace):
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Sunday called on Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein to open an investigation into Jerusalem Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Hussein for incitement after he was recorded quoting a passage by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the Hadith that calls for the killing of Jews.

"These are grave words that the world needs to condemn," Netanyahu said.

Responding to the allegations of incitement on Israel Radio Sunday, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein denied inciting the murder of Jews, saying he was just quoting the Islamic text. "I can't change the Hadith," he added.
But he can admit what that particular filth is like, and it's just as bad in the main Koran, as seen in verses 2:52-65 and 5:59-60, for example. It just shows what a horrific hate book both the Koran and Hadith really are.

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