Sunday, January 22, 2012


Mitt Romney landed here Sunday with a simple message: Newt Gingrich is a failure and a fraud. And a disgrace. And a hapless showman.


  1. Vicious attacks on the other Republican running won't win Mitt any votes. Sure, he can scare some folks away from Newt but He loses as many or more voters by taking this tack. If Romney is really the best man why doesn't he run on his merits and not by personally (or through his PAC) try to discredit Newt.
    And let's try not to call each other names.

  2. oh.

    i see, now, rich.

    thanks so much for informing me that when mitt points out the truth about newt is a vicious attack.

    newt did leave the congress in disgrace and at the time had a 8o% disapproval rating.

    he'd be a disaster as a nominee and an awful potus should he manage to beat the obama machine.

    boltonb and issa and haley and ayotte and coulter and christie and pawlenty are right.

    you, rich, are wrong.

  3. Newt was cleared by the IRS who said he was not guilty of the charges brought against him' This is a fact you conveniently ignore. Democrats ran ethics charges against Newt 80 times and succeeded once when ambitious Republican leaders saw a chance to move up a notch by removing Newt. Now you use that incident as if Newt was actually guilty of something other than the dirty politics of others. It's just more of the same.
    In your zeal for Romney, don't forget! The real enemy is Obama!

  4. that was just one of hundreds of pages of charges.

    and the house has standards that are different than the irs.

    politicians should be held to a high standard.

    too bad for you,. newt doesn't meet that standard and you don't seem to care.

    btw: bachmann agress that newt sucks.
