Monday, January 23, 2012


For me, these past weeks have been filled with much prayer and personal reflection - which has provided some clarity. Ultimately, I recognize that endorsing a candidate is the responsible thing to do. 
But it is far more responsible to ensure that candidate is one I can support with a strong conviction knowing, without any doubt, that they protect our values and have the ability to restore our nation's greatness. With some doubt still present, I am not yet prepared to offer my endorsement, but look forward to doing so in the coming weeks. 
However, through this exhaustive process of consideration, it was strikingly obvious that one candidate could not be less acceptable to be our Party's nominee. 
He lacks the poise, experience and moral fiber to represent our principles and values. That candidate is Newt Gingrich. 
In sum, our nation is in desperate need of a proven and moral leader who can point us back in the right direction - not a desperately flawed candidate like Newt Gingrich who has only proven he cannot lead.


Paul W said...

I love this blog, but...

...I'm tired of people who are 100% against Obama's re-election being so negative on those Republicans that they don't back. Right now there are 4 candidates left standing. Realistically speaking, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum don't have much of a chance to win the nomination (though that's of course still mathematically possible this early in the game). That leaves Romney and Gingrich. At this stage it is WAY too early to say for sure that either will win or lose - but the odds are very high that one of those 2 will oppose Obama. So what happens to those people (or blogs) who have made no secret of their dislike for one or the other when their candidate loses? Take TAB as simply an example: what if Gingrich wins the nomination - what do you do then, stay home and allow Obama to win? Vote for Obama because Gingrich is "so awful?"

My respectful suggestion to ANYONE who wants to see Obama lose in November is to stop with the personal attacks and the negatives on those who aren't their favorite Republicans and, instead, to say why it is that your favored candidate has the best stand on the issues. Not electability - because NO ONE really knows. Reagan had HUGE negatives, yet beat Carter very handily. So to say that one candidate or another has huge negatives (and, thus, that another candidate is "more electable") is frankly just speculation or wishful thinking. We have 9 1/2 months until the election, and a LOT can happen (think about it, life is created and brought forth in less time). Issues, people, issues.

PLEASE, cut out the huge negative attacks on anyone but Romney - they don't advance his cause, they don't make it more likely that Gingrich supporters (or Gingrich himself, if he loses) will back Romney and they just help Obama. I would say the exact same thing if TAB was for Gingrich and against Romney in the same manner. I ESPECIALLY implore politicians like Michelle Bachmann, for whom I have a lot of admiration) to simply STFU if she can't say something decent about a fellow Republican. Whatever happened to Reagan's 11th Commandment?

Green Eagle said...

What do you mean- Newt can't lead?

He led Congressional Republicans off a cliff in the 90's.

Reliapundit said...

well said. very well said. thanks for the comment.

Reliapundit said...

paul w:

well said. very well said. thanks for the comment.

but if they brings guns i bring nukes.

Reliapundit said...


for months i posted about reagan's 11th commandment.

but when newt attacked capitalism he went too far.

defeating obama is everything.

but we do risk raising our disapproval numbers the more we engage in personal attacks.

is it a personal attack to point out that newt trashed ryan and worked for feddie mac and made a tv commerical with pelosi?

or are these facts that need to be discussed?

i think the latter.


because newt and santorum have accused mitt of being a rino and a liberal when in fact most of his positions are VERY conservative and many of theirs are left-wing.

felix said...

I'm supporting Romney, but if Gingrich gets the nomination, I'll support him--and hope he picks Romney as his running mate. One thing I like about Newt is his specifically citing the spread of sharia law as a threat to the west.

Reliapundit said...