Monday, January 23, 2012


I find it difficult to understand just what unites the various followers of the "anybody but Mitt" movement.  If one looks at Mitt's record as a successful businessman and competent Governor, and add to that the fact that he is from outside the Beltway, he appears to be the best qualified candidate in the Republican pack.

Whatever one thinks of Mormonism  it is a uniquely American form of Christianity.   I know very little of the Mormon faith: mostly what one hears second or third hand; what one learns of the Federal Governments attempt to isolate the Mormons out west; and of course what one gleans from reading the Book of Mormon - if it happens to be in the night table at your Motel.   Yes - there is a lot about Mormonism that seems strange to me - but as one who was brought up as a jew I must point out that many christian beliefs - for example the Holy Trinity, Mary's Immaculate Conception, and Jesus's Birth Incarnate also seem...well, complex to say the least. 

As a believer in G-d, I accept the fact that others embrace alternative faiths.  It appears to me that Mitt Romney believes in G-d, the 10 Commandments etc.  Newt Gingrich, on the other hand, seems to believe in Newt Gingrich above all else.

People who criticise Romney seem to be motivated by a deep seated mistrust - but they rarely provide substantive arguments that criticise his record of service.  From my perspective the most fervent critics of Mitt Romney seem to be Christians who don't like Mormons. And unless they can provide more substantive arguments against Romney's qualifications or positions then they are nothing less than  Bigots.


  1. This is anecdotal, so it should have no wider substance beyond me personally. I and not a Mormon. I have had Mormon neighbors and co-workers. Without exception, they have been good workers and parents, with well-behaved well-educated children growing up in stable homes. They were always the first to offer help if you need it. They were good neighbors. If Romney is like the Mormons I have known, America would be lucky to get him.

  2. yeah. mitt seems like a decent man with the kind of experience the nation needs.

  3. mitt i literally and figuratively sober.

    newt is a lightening rod.

    what type of man makes the best ceo?

