Sunday, December 19, 2010



Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and several of his top aides have said repeatedly they are pursuing alternatives, arguing that there is little hope at this stage that meaningful negotiations on the terms of statehood can resume.

The main fallback strategy involves seeking recognition from as many countries as possible of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, the territories Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast War.

Recently, Brazil and Argentina granted such recognition, and Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath told reporters Saturday that he expects three more countries, including Uruguay, to follow suit.

He said he also expects three more European countries to upgrade Palestinian representation in coming weeks, after Norway took that step earlier this week. Spain, Portugal and France have already done so.

While they're at it, why don't they recognize the independent state of Chechnya, Catalonia, Basque, Turkish Kurdistan? [And so on...]


It's the antisemitism stupid.

The fact is that Kurds and Basques and Catalans all have a VASTLY SUPERIOR claim for independent nationhood than so-called "Palestinians" These other ethnic groups all have their own languages and culture; the "Palestinian" Arabs do not - they are Arabs, PERIOD.

Once again, Jews are being treated in a way no other people on Earth are treated - or ever have been.

BESIDES: There is a "Palestinian" Arab state - and has been for nearly 70 years; it's called Jordan. Jordan was created by the British by chopping of 80% of British Palestine and giving it to an Arab Monarch from the Arabian peninsula who was sympathetic to the Brits. There is no such culture as Jordanian and no language called Jordanian and no history that can be call led "Jordanian" that predates this arbitrary act by Britain.

Look it up.

AND ANOTHER THING: This will only encourage more terror from the Arabs and Muslims and Kurds, et al, etc because it rewards terror.


And it also reveal deep self-loathing by these Western nations, nations trapped by postmodern leftism into thinking Western Colonialism was bad and needs to be compensated by sacrificing Israel, and by withdrawing from the Third World - the "unconnected wolrd".

Sacrificing the Sudetenland didn't stop Hitler, and giving Arabs yet another nation ( and a springboard for more terror against Israel --- like Gaza and Southern Lebanon) won't stop global jihad/WW4.


To end Third World poverty and ignorance we need to eradicate socialism and Islam - and expand industrialization and capitalism and trade - all the things the Left hates. PROOF HERE.


  1. Just a small note on Basques: did you know they originated in the Middle East?

  2. Hi.

    HT:Memri.Palestinian UN Observer: Arabs to Push for UNSC Resolution Condemning Settlements.Palestinian UN Observer Riyad Mansour said that the Arab countries were pushing for a Security Council resolution condemning the Israeli settlements in the territories occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem. He said the request is to be submitted in January, after the presidency rotates from the U.S. to Bosnia Herzegovina. PA President Mahmoud 'Abbas welcomed Bolivia's recognition of the Palestinian state, saying that the Palestinians would appeal to further countries in Latin America and Asia to recognize their state.Hmmm....Isn't setting up someone a great peace plan?

    Ban Ki-moon names settlement freeze a top UN goal for 2011. In end of year press conference in New York, UN chief says he will work to improve the quality of life in Gaza.The United Nations named improving the living conditions in the Gaza Strip and ending Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as part of its goals for 2011, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Friday. Speaking at a press conference concluding the year 2010 at UN headquarters in New York, Ban stated that one of the goals for the upcoming year were to keep working to improve the quality of life in Gaza.Ban also stressed that Israel must fulfill its obligations and halt any settlement construction, including construction in East Jerusalem. Ban said that 2010 was a great year for the UN in which it made considerable achievements in areas such as biodiversity and involvement in the democratic elections in Iraq and Afghanistan. Earlier this month, Ban chastised the Israeli government for refusing to extend its ten-month moratorium on West Bank settlement construction that expired in September, calling it a snub to the international community.Hmmmm.....Who will be part of the "peace keeping force" in the Israeli - Palestinian accord?

    So they're already discussing who will participate in the "Occupation" force for Israel!!
