Monday, July 21, 2008


From Rasmussen Reports:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows Barack Obama attracting 42% of the vote while John McCain earns 41%. That’s the lowest level of support measured for Obama since he clinched the Democratic Presidential nomination on June 3. Obama’s support peaked at 48% with data released on June 8, 9, and 10. During that same time frame, McCain’s support has remained steady in the 40% to 42% range (he’s had just one day a point below that range and two days a point above it).

When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 46% and McCain 45%. With leaners, Obama reached 50% support in mid-June and was at 48% or 49% every day from June 13 until July 10. Since then, he has reached the 48% level just once while polling consistently at 46% or 47% (see recent daily results). Tracking Polls are released at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time each day.

McCain is viewed favorably by 57% of voters, Obama by 53%. McCain is currently supported by 86% of Republicans and holds a modest--four percentage point—lead among unaffiliated voters. Obama earns the vote from 77% of Democrats (see other recent demographic highlights).

A growing percentage of voters also believe that most reporters are trying to help Obama win the election. Forty-nine percent (49%) hold that view while only 14% believe reporters are trying to help McCain.
Curious are the numbers which show us that McCain is viewed favorably by a significantly higher percentage of voters than is Obama. Indeed, voters are also well aware the media is attempting to make Obama look better than he is.

And yet, it is clear, a sizable portion of these voters, who know they are being manipulated by the media, and who clearly trust Obama more, would still vote for Obama, if the election were held today.

Such are the allegiances of the two-party system.

However, such allegiances will not go so far, when pulling the lever means the difference between four years with a man one feels he can trust, and four years with a candidate who may just be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

As they say, the gallows doth wonderfully concentrate the mind.

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