Sunday, July 15, 2007


I love to go for walks. I live near a very beautiful park.

Too often lately, as I walk, I have found myself lost, , in revolving thoughts, and staring blankly at the pavement as I walk. I think to myself, how can I help our cause? What can I do, for my part, in our battle against Islamofascism?

The thing is, we need to look up, not down.

We need to remember that we are going to win. It is inevitable.

We have better ideas, better armies, and better technology.

And, all of these things are built on the ideas upon which our nation was founded.

A cliche of the locker room is, there is no "I" in team.

Well, there is no talk of defeat in WIN!

Pollyannas and Cassandras serve an important function, but I think we are coming to the end of the time where they serve their purpose.

We need to pick up our guns.

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