Monday, July 16, 2007


NAHR AL-BARED, Lebanon • A bloody eight-week-old battle between the Lebanese army and Islamist radicals claimed the life of its 100th soldier yesterday, as a blast hit a UN post in the south of the country.

A Lebanese military spokesman said three soldiers were killed in the fighting with the Al Qaeda inspired Sunni extremists of Fatah Al Islam around the Nahr Al Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon.

The latest deaths take to 189 the overall reported death toll since the clashes began between the Lebanese army and Fatah Al Islam radicals.

The fighting erupted on May 20 when the Islamist radicals launched a string of attacks on soldiers, killing 27 of them around the Palestinian refugee camp and in the nearby northern port city of Tripoli, the army says.

In the latest clashes yesterday, troops also unleashed artillery as soldiers exchanged machine-gun fire with the fighters of the Al Qaeda-inspired group holed up in the camp, a report said.
When the Lebanese kill islamo-terrorists no one says boo, and their casualties are not used as a propaganda weapon to demoralize our side. IN BEIRUT, THERE ARE NO REAL HEADLINES BALLYHOOING ANY GRIM MILESTONES.

But when we kill the same evil scum, we get lambasted and our casualties - ER UM, OUR GRIM MILESTONES - are twisted or taken out of context in order to make it seem like the cost is to high.

We can no more "REDEPLOY" from Iraq BEFORE THE JOB IS DONE, than the Lebanese can redeploy from Lebanon.

Abandoning the nascent democracy of Iraq NOW would be WORSE than abandoning Afghanistan in 1990.

Let's not repeat the mistakes of the past.

The sooner we defeat the enemy the lower the cost in blood and treasure.

This is what WS Churchill was saying throughout the 1930's: "Let's confront Hitler now, BEFORE he gets any stronger." No one listened - THEY CALLED HIM A WARMONGER - and the costs of defeating Hitler and Nazism - AND STALIN AND COMMUNISM - went UP UP UP!

We can defeat Iran and Al Qaeda now, or later.

Later, the human death toll may very well be in in the millions AND MILLIONS.

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