Monday, July 16, 2007


The wild raving moonbattery of the global warmering enthusiasts grows ever more intense . . . others have commented on the almost religious fervor of the true believers in the greenie apocalypse, but this latest example is the wackiest I've yet seen.

The Toledo Blade, a wild and woolly publication that has previously offered its opinion pages to the Pittsbugh Post-Gazette's would-be Gestapo chief Dan Simpson, published a truly remarkable column this weekend. Its author is Robin Weirauch a two-time loser for the Ohio 5th Congressional District seat. Her title: It will take more than an ark to save us now.

Weirauch begins with a calm, carefully-considered understatement:
SCIENTISTS tell us that the planet is going to be flooded when the ice caps melt from rising global temperatures and a whole host of other not-so-pleasant changes.
Of course, that's nothing but codswallop. No reputable scientist, not one, predicts that the polar ice caps will entirely melt and flood the planet. The worst the UN's gaggle of Chicken Littles predicts is now on the order of a one foot rise in sea levels. But let's allow Robin to continue her dreamy fantasy:
The first time humans were warned about a big flood, the message came directly from God, and Noah listened, even though everyone surely told him he was crazy.
This time, mere mortals of science and reason are the messengers, but God is still speaking to many of us when He tells us to take care of His creation. Will we listen like Noah? Or will we continue to doubt until it is finally too late? Like Noah, we have a big crisis looming, which means we also have an opportunity to bring out the best in ourselves.
Behold the depth of confusion, confabulation, and inanity to which the Left has sunk.

The global warmerists on the Left are convinced that God is commanding them to put an end to industrial civilization. Mind you, these are the same wacky leftists who caterwaul continually about the dangers of Evangelical Christianity and Chimy McBushitlerhalliburton's faith-based initiatives. It's not that they are being hypocritical; they're simply completely incoherent.

Ready for another taste of Weirauch's delusionary drivel?
When it comes to global warming, there is no time to stand around doubting the science and physics of it all. Incredibly, there are still those who say that climate change is inevitable, regardless of what man does.
In a few short paragraphs we've come from the awesome commandments of Almighty God to the omnipotence of mankind! Quite a trip . . .
To those folks I simply say this: When you know you are driving toward the edge of a cliff, you don't step on the accelerator. We need clean, renewable, homemade energy for more reasons than climate change, lest we forget massive oil spills, erratic gasoline prices, unstable countries that supply much of our oil, war, tsunamis, mercury pollution, black lung - and did I mention national security?
Well, the simplest way to obtain more "homemade" energy would be to drill for oil and gas in those areas of the United States that the Democratic Party currently keeps "off limits."

But Ms. Weirauch has bigger and better ideas. Now that there's a Democrat in Ohio's State House, she thinks that we can all get on with the real program:
Most of us waste a great deal of energy. According to World Watch Institute, "In total, the average American consumes five times more energy than the average global citizen, 10 times more than the average Chinese, and nearly 20 times more than the average Indian."
Yes, you got that right. The solution to global warmering is . . .POVERTY! If we Americans would only adopt the lifestyle of the poor and anonymous, all would be well. The lefties in the Democratic Party love the poor and downtrodden so much . . . they know that the world would be better if only all Americans could be as poor and downtrodden as the street people in Calcutta. . . .

Heaven help us!


Reliapundit said...

the solution is to make us all poor and their leftist program of taxes and regulation will achieve JUST THAT!

Punditarian said...


Thanks for your comment! I forgot to add that vital point!