Sunday, June 24, 2007


Interviewed in Le Figaro newspaper in France, the Labour peer Lord Ahmed of Rotherham added fuel to the row when he hit out at Mr Rushdie.

"This honour is given in recognition of services rendered to Great Britain," he said. "Salman Rushdie lives in New York. He is controversial man who has insulted Muslim people, Christians and the British. He does not deserve the honour.

"Two weeks ago Tony Blair spoke about constructing bridges with Muslims. What hypocrisy.

"What would one say if the Saudi or Afghan governments honoured the martyrs of the September 11 attacks on the United States?"

What will the House of Lords have to say about Lord Ahmed of Rotherham? Nazir Ahmed is a Pakistan-born, naturalized Briton, who was created a Baron after a long career as a Labour politician. In 2005 he sponsored appearances by an extreme anti-Semite:
Lord Ahmed invited a known anti-Semite to speak in the House of Lords, has not uttered a word of criticism since and remains a Labour peer. Before hearing from Lord Ahmed, I also wrote to Lord Grocott, the Labour Chief Whip in the Lords. I asked him if, given Lord Ahmed’s apparent lack of contrition, Lord Grocott considered it appropriate that Lord Ahmed should still hold the Labour whip? No reply.
The House did nothing then. What now my Lords?

1 comment:

  1. britain has been in decline morally since ww1 - winston was a blip, quickly shunned to the side for labour and a program of nationalization.

    ditto thatcher: blair has nearly wiped out all her gains.

    londonistan will soon be the capital of the UK = United Kaliphate.
