Friday, August 27, 2021

A shocking case of betrayal and abandonment

The Afghanistan disaster's revelations get even worse, as it's reported by Politico (via the American Thinker) that US officials in Kabul gave the Taliban the names of US citizenry:
U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice that's prompted outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials.

The move, detailed to POLITICO by three U.S. and congressional officials, was designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan as chaos erupted in Afghanistan’s capital city last week after the Taliban seized control of the country. It also came as the Biden administration has been relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport.
And the US officials actually trust these taqqiya-espousing monsters to allow any safe passage? As noted here:
Since the fall of Kabul in mid-August, nearly 100,000 people have been evacuated, most of whom had to pass through the Taliban's many checkpoints. But the decision to provide specific names to the Taliban, which has a history of brutally murdering Afghans who collaborated with the U.S. and other coalition forces during the conflict, has angered lawmakers and military officials.

“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,”
said one defense official, who like others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive topic. “It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean.”
Yet the Biden staff allowed this horrific conduct to happen, and now, it's going to be remembered as one of the worst scars of shame in history.

Now, as though things couldn't get worse, there was a suicide bombing at the airport, costing the lives of at least 13 US soldiers, among many other people:
Twin suicide bombings outside Hamid Karzai International Airport and the Baron Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan, killed at least 90 people, including 13 U.S. service members, and wounded another 150 people on Thursday, according to reports. Warning: Graphic photos and video below.
This is what Biden and his staff have led to in just a short amount of time. Instead of trying to do anything to improve the situation, they make it far worse and barbaric. And what's truly awful is that Biden is unlikely to resign, nor will he take any responsibility for what he enabled. He'd rather blame Donald Trump for everything, which only makes this whole case much more offensive.

Update: Benjamin Netanyahu's sent his condolences to the families of the US victims of Biden's horrible mismanagement.

Update 2: Biden's approval ratings have fallen to another serious low following this latest horror in Afghanistan.

Update 3: Donald Trump and allies have made a very valid point that this whole disaster could've been prevented if the Republicans who threw him under the bus had fought for election integrity in last year's election.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Biden made another 9-11 more possible

Jason Killmeyer warns that Joe Biden's disastrous conduct to date has made it entirely and tragically possible that one day, sooner or later, another September 11 could occur:
Some Presidents, faced with tough situations, put themselves in a mental bunker, sticking to their guns even though their thinking is divorced from the public’s. In his recent interview with ABC, Joe Biden entered that territory. He is matching a Nixonian level of denial with Jimmy Carter’s incompetency. He claimed it was “not true” that the Taliban would be ruling Afghanistan again (they already are) and conflated that group with “a guy named Osama Bin Laden” and al-Qaeda.

For many Americans, their first introduction to al-Qaeda was footage that aired on shows like Dateline and 60 Minutes in the late 1990s, showing masked men swinging on monkey bars. It all seemed a little ridiculous. At the time, their cave-dwelling leader Osama Bin Laden, his religious fervor, and even his threats against our nation were dismissed with paternalistic spin. That was just fine with him. While we weren’t looking, he sent some of his operatives to flight schools in Florida, San Diego, and Oklahoma. We all know what happened next.

This week, as President Biden ensures a total withdrawal from Afghanistan after nearly twenty years, we’re at risk of making the same mistake again. Not only does he seem dangerously out of touch with the situation on the ground, he has also gravely misjudged the long-term consequences of this panicked exit. While we may be done with fighting militant Islam in Afghanistan, militant Islam is not done with us. That’s as true today as it was on that September morning nineteen years and eleven months ago. And in that generational conflict, one thing remains stubbornly true: territory matters. As we leave Afghanistan, we allow a seizure of territory that may come back to haunt us in ways we’ll, come to regret.
Read more. For now, what Biden did has already ensured there's going to be a serious tragedy taking place sooner or later, in the USA and in other civilized countries, all because of the ostriches putting their heads in the sand and refusing to act responsibly on security matters. That's also a reason why Antifa and Black Lives Matter gained such a foothold over the years.

The west's moral hypocrisy has been exposed by the Afghanistan fallout

John Daniel Davidson makes some vital points regarding the disastrous US military withdrawal from Afghanistan that's resulted in the country going back to the sharia horror it was in over 2 decades ago:
For days now, liberal news outlets have been repeating, as if to reassure us, that the Taliban have pledged to respect women’s rights, “within the framework of Islamic law.” But we all know what that means. Already there are reports of Afghan women and girls being forced into “marriages” with Taliban fighters, the closure of girls’ schools, and the killing of a woman who appeared in public without a head covering — likely the first of many.

[...] As it is, the Taliban are now very much in control, and it does not seem to occur to our leaders that the new rulers of Afghanistan, who adhere to a strict interpretation of Sharia law, have wholly different definitions of safety, security, and dignity for women and girls. Our elites cannot even imagine the mindset of jihadists who believe that western feminism, for example, is an assault on the sanctity of the family and an affront to Allah. They scarcely believe that Taliban fighters are actually motivated by sincere religious convictions.

[...] All this shows that our elites don’t actually care about violence or even incitement to violence, any more than they care all that much about the rights, dignity, or safety of women. In the face of real evil, real violence, they are reduced to inane platitudes.

The truth is, it does not occur to our elites that the world they wish to impose on the Taliban might be only slightly less morally repugnant than the world the Taliban wish to impose on Afghanistan. Our leaders govern societies that systematically deny the rights of the unborn and the elderly, that aggressively violate their citizens’ rights of free speech and free exercise of religion. They seek to create a world where parents have almost no rights over the education and rearing of their children, where toxic ideologies about race and transgenderism are forced on young and old alike, and parents are afraid to oppose these ideologies for fear of the state.

In other words, they do not really believe the things they say about rights, equality, and dignity. They are morally bereft. That’s why, when confronted by the bloody moral absolutism of the Taliban, they sputter nonsense and do nothing.
The moral decadence in the west is exactly why they cannot combat the savagery occurring in the east. They enable atrocities to tear apart cohesion in society that ultimately lead to its collapse, as is sadly bound to happen one day.