Friday, December 18, 2020

Legislation passed to prevent FGM

The Senate has passed legislation to stop Female Genital Mutilation, and now it's going to Donald Trump's desk:
The Senate on Wednesday passed the Stop FGM Act that will give federal law enforcement greater tools to prosecute those who perpetrate the act, and HR 1600 is now headed to President Donald Trump’s desk.

The United States has long opposed the practice, which takes place both domestically and internationally.
One of the most important people to oppose the mainly Islamic practice is survivor Ayaan Hirsi Ali: One has to wonder, of course, where feminist movements are when it comes to subjects like this, and come to think of it, even N.O.W? Their silence can be quite telling so long as they continue with it.

It's good Congress addressed this issue, and better when Trump puts his stamp of approval on the legislation.