Thursday, November 05, 2020

Tea Party is back in action to protect the public's votes

As reported by Breitbart, the Tea Party Patriots are in action again as they were a decade ago to protest Democrats' efforts to rob the election from the Republicans. It's good they're back in action now, and should stand up to the thugs on the left who're destroying democracy as we know it.

Blaming the victim reigns supreme in the Muslim world

Israel National News has an op-ed by Abigail Esman about the Muslim world's reaction to the murder of teacher Samuel Paty, and just how horrific their blame-the-victim mentality truly is.

The US leftists are trying to hijack the election

With the way things are going now, it's clear that the left in the USA, in all their anti-Trump hatred, is indeed determined to steal the election for the sake of Joe Biden:
President Trump appeared in the East Room at around three a.m. on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning to express his disgust over how the votes just stopped being counted after it looked like he was winning in a number of swing states and on his way to securing a second term.

Standing before a group of supporters in the White House, Trump listed the states he needs to win, how well he was doing in them, and said, “We won states and all of a sudden, what happened to the election? It’s off. … All of a sudden everything just stopped. This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country.”

“We were getting ready to win the election, frankly, we did win this election.”

Trump spoke specifically about swing states where he enjoys a sizable margin with much of the vote already counted. This includes Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, where it was announced the vote counting would cease, in at least a few of these states, until tomorrow.

In some cases, the counting continues but the media refuse to call the race.

But there have been reports about cities such as Philadelphia and Atlanta giving up their counting for the night. They intend to resume in the morning.
What if they're taking the time to do some meddling behind the scenes in Biden's favor? I wouldn't put it past them. Trump predicted this was bound to happen, and no doubt, the Democrats are up to something. Trump may be planning now to go to court over this. I hope he does, if that's what it takes to combat this disturbing situation.

However things turn out, though, I do know this: when you have a situation as bad as states like New York, California and Oregon have now, what with anarchy, violence, arson and vandalism going on, committed by Antifa and BLM hoodlums while authorities in those states are either lenient on the offenders, or prohibited by higher echelons from doing their job to stop them, democracy as we know it is in a very unhealthy situation, and for all we know, this whole situation could eventually lead to the collapse of those states for starters. Of course, those residents of the 3 aforementioned states who voted for the Democrats despite supposedly being disturbed by all the violence going on cannot claim they were concerned, if they remain glued to the very same party and ideology till the bitter end of time.

I hope Trump continues to fight this current situation. But even then, the USA is clearly in a very dire, unhealthy state as it is, and it could take ages to repair it.

Update: Trump's announced they'll be going to the Supreme Court:
After talking for several minutes about victories that the campaign had secured and races where the campaign believed that things were still looking good, Trump called out how vote counting had seemingly stopped in critical races that had not been called yet.

“And all of a sudden everything just stopped,” Trump said. “This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country.”

“So our goal now is to ensure the integrity for the good of this nation, this is a very big moment. This is a major fraud on our nation. We want the law to be used in the proper manner,”
Trump continued. “So we will be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop. We don’t want them to find any ballots at 4 o’clock in the morning and add them to the list. OK? It’s a very sad, it’s a very sad moment.”
Definitely. That it's gotten to a point where corruption reigns horrifically on the left, along with their loss of moral compass, is simply terrible.

Also: a major error was found in Arizona's results, which strongly suggests there's rigging going on there.